Pacific Exchange Rate Service

Sauder School of Business • University of British Columbia
A service for academic research and teaching provided by Prof. Werner Antweiler at UBC's Sauder School of Business since 1996.
Supplemental Exchange Rate Data for Wednesday, October 9, 2024
CodeCurrency x/CADCAD/x x/USDUSD/x x/EUREUR/x x/GBPGBP/x
ARS Argentine Pesos 710.82  —  974.74  —  1066.5  —  1274.0  — 
AUD Australian Dollars 1.0855  0.9213  1.4885  0.6718  1.6286  0.6140  1.9455  0.5140 
BHD Bahraini Dinars 0.2748  3.6384  0.3769  2.6532  0.4124  2.4250  0.4926  2.0300 
BRL Brazilian Reals 4.0791  0.2452  5.5937  0.1788  6.1200  0.1634  7.3111  0.1368 
GBP British Pounds 0.5579  1.7923  0.7651  1.3070  0.8371  1.1946    
BGN Bulgarian Lev 1.3039  0.7669  1.7880  0.5593  1.9562  0.5112  2.3369  0.4279 
CAD Canadian Dollars    1.3713  0.7292  1.5003  0.6665  1.7923  0.5579 
CLP Chilean Pesos 680.58  —  933.28  —  1021.1  —  1219.8  — 
CNY Chinese Renminbi 5.1644  0.1936  7.0820  0.1412  7.7484  0.1291  9.2563  0.1080 
COP Colombian Pesos 3088.3  —  4235.0  —  4633.5  —  5535.2  — 
CSK Czechoslovakian Koruna 16.892  0.0592  23.164  0.0432  25.344  0.0395  30.276  0.0330 
DKK Danish Kroner 4.9719  0.2011  6.8179  0.1467  7.4594  0.1341  8.9111  0.1122 
EGP Egyptian Pounds 35.372  0.0283  48.506  0.0206  53.070  0.0188  63.398  0.0158 
EUR European Euros 0.6665  1.5003  0.9140  1.0941     1.1946  0.8371 
HKD Hong Kong Dollars 5.6671  0.1765  7.7713  0.1287  8.5025  0.1176  10.157  0.0985 
HUF Hungarian Forint 265.94  0.0038  364.69  0.0027  399.00  0.0025  476.66  — 
ISK Icelandic Krona 98.994  0.0101  135.75  0.0074  148.52  0.0067  177.43  0.0056 
INR Indian Rupees 61.224  0.0163  83.956  0.0119  91.856  0.0109  109.73  0.0091 
IDR Indonesian Rupiah 11447  —  15697  —  17174  —  20516  — 
ILS Israeli New Shekels 2.7467  0.3641  3.7665  0.2655  4.1209  0.2427  4.9229  0.2031 
JPY Japanese Yen 108.88  0.0092  149.31  0.0067  163.36  0.0061  195.15  0.0051 
KZT Kazakhstan Tenge 358.18  0.0028  491.17  —  537.39  —  641.97  — 
KWD Kuwaiti Dinar 0.2235  4.4741  0.3065  3.2626  0.3353  2.9821  0.4006  2.4962 
MOP Macau Pataca 5.8426  0.1712  8.0120  0.1248  8.7659  0.1141  10.472  0.0955 
MYR Malaysian Ringgit 3.1229  0.3202  4.2825  0.2335  4.6854  0.2134  5.5973  0.1787 
MXN Mexican Pesos 14.218  0.0703  19.498  0.0513  21.332  0.0469  25.484  0.0392 
NZD New Zealand Dollars 1.2027  0.8314  1.6493  0.6063  1.8045  0.5542  2.1557  0.4639 
NOK Norwegian Kroner 7.8609  0.1272  10.780  0.0928  11.794  0.0848  14.089  0.0710 
OMR Omani Rial 0.2771  3.6087  0.3800  2.6316  0.4158  2.4053  0.4967  2.0134 
PKR Pakistani Rupees 203.15  0.0049  278.58  0.0036  304.79  0.0033  364.11  0.0027 
PHP Philippines Pesos 41.651  0.0240  57.116  0.0175  62.490  0.0160  74.652  0.0134 
PLN Polish Zloty 2.8642  0.3491  3.9277  0.2546  4.2973  0.2327  5.1336  0.1948 
QAR Qatari Riyal 2.6550  0.3766  3.6408  0.2747  3.9834  0.2510  4.7586  0.2101 
SAR Saudi Arabian Riyal 2.7382  0.3652  3.7549  0.2663  4.1082  0.2434  4.9077  0.2038 
SGD Singapore Dollars 0.9530  1.0493  1.3069  0.7652  1.4299  0.6994  1.7081  0.5854 
ZAR South African Rand 12.892  0.0776  17.679  0.0566  19.343  0.0517  23.107  0.0433 
KRW South Korean Won 982.74  —  1347.6  —  1474.4  —  1761.4  — 
LKR Sri Lankan Rupees 213.61  0.0047  292.93  0.0034  320.49  0.0031  382.86  0.0026 
SEK Swedish Krona 7.5807  0.1319  10.395  0.0962  11.374  0.0879  13.587  0.0736 
CHF Swiss Francs 0.6277  1.5931  0.8608  1.1617  0.9418  1.0618  1.1251  0.8888 
TWD Taiwanese Dollars 23.540  0.0425  32.280  0.0310  35.317  0.0283  42.191  0.0237 
THB Thai Baht 24.451  0.0409  33.530  0.0298  36.685  0.0273  43.824  0.0228 
TRY Turkish New Lira 24.965  0.0401  34.234  0.0292  37.456  0.0267  44.745  0.0223 
USD U.S. Dollars 0.7292  1.3713     1.0941  0.9140  1.3070  0.7651 
UAH Ukrainian Hryvna 30.081  0.0332  41.250  0.0242  45.131  0.0222  53.915  0.0185 
UYU Uruguayan Pesos 30.307  0.0330  41.560  0.0241  45.470  0.0220  54.320  0.0184 
VND Vietnamese Dong 18111  —  24835  —  27172  —  32460  — 

The columns x/CAD, x/USD, and x/EUR provide the quantity of foreign currency units that are purchased with one Canadian Dollar, one U.S. Dollar, or one Euro, respectively. The inverse rates in price notaiton are denoted as CAD/x, USD/x, and x/EUR. For the currencies of Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Spain: please refer to the row European Euros. This page and its content is intended for academic research and educational or personal use only, and must not be used in any for-profit commercial application. Republication, redistribution, or automated processing of this page for commercial purposes are expressly prohibited. No assurances can be given about the reliability of the data on this page. Data on this page has been amalgamated from different sources and may be less reliable than those provided on the PACIFIC primary exchange rate page.

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